1. St. Vincent - Masseduction
To the delight of fans across the world, St. Vincent is back with her new album Masseduction. On the surface the album is loads of fun! Dig a little deeper and you’ll find lyrics about sexuality, addiction and loss, as well as swirling synths, punching drums and frantic guitar shredding!
2. Nai Palm - Needle Paw
Lead sing of future-soul quartet Hiatus Kaiyote, “Nai Palm,” has released her debut solo record. The album consists of some new songs and some covers. It also weaves some Hiatus Kaiyote sounding musical ideas together, making for a really fresh and unique listen.
3. Sadgirl - Volume Three Point Five
The new Sadgirl album is a slow-burner that’s buried in psychedelic distortion and drenched in desert-rock influence. The band has a definite Shannon & The Clams vibe, for any surf rock buffs out there.